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Re: Webpads

Yes the cost is comparable but given the rate of change in subnotebook
technology you might be able to pick up older models at a reasonable

Then there are all the advantages.....

1. it is a real PC so you can in theory run any PC software. So you
get full unrestricted internet access from them for instance.

2. local storage for playing MP3s for instance or any  other high
bandwidth applications which would benefit from local storage. Also
taking a load off of your server. My fujitsus have 6GB drives so are
ideal for this.

3. Local connectivity ... Ace allows you to feed serial port data
across the network so this may reduce wiring implications. You could
also hook up microphones USB cams etc. So basically you could have a
full voice/video intercom  or how about that kitchen printer for
sending your requirements for the evening meal to your wife hehe

4 Voice control..there has been some discussion of whole house
microphone systems, but if you have a PC/laptop in nearly every room
who needs them ?

There are probably a lot of other advantages I have forgotten to

You can find details of ACE at

I am not using it yet but I like the client server concept and it has
been designed to work with touch screen technology. I am sure a lot of
us have old laptops/PCs that could be used as clients running ACE.

My situation may be different to other people in that there are only
two of us and I already have the subnotebooks, mine is with me pretty
much all the time and my wifes currently lives on the coffee table in
the living room. I plan to use these as super intelligent webpads when
I upgrade to new laptops but will press them into use before that.

Sorry for the length of this response but I am off work today and
bored :)

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000 12:32:28 -0000, you wrote:

>But isn't the cost of a subnotebook comparable ? I agree though, I have
>laptop and it works well but without the touchscreen. Problem is it's
>main work machine so isn't free to act in such a role :-(
>By the way, what's ACE ??
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mick Furlong [mailto:dorsai@xxxxxxx]
>Sent: 14 November 2000 12:27
>To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Webpads
>Given the current price of webpads wouldn't it be more cost-effective
>(and give a more powerful/customisable solution) to use a subnotebook
>with a touch screen and wireless or fixed ethernet?
>I have a couple of fujitsu lifebooks and intend using then in this way
>Using something like ACE they could be made nice and simple to operate
>for the WAF but would still retain the power to do whatever you want.

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