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RE: Protect and survive

There's been a lot about this in the press and on the net recently, it's
called "SpyWare" by the scaremongerers.

There is a lot of debate about wether it's a) legal and b) ethical. (Like
that's gonna stop M$)

More and more programs are doing it, Eudora being a good example. Best
thing to do is mail Keware and ask them to explain what it was doing.

At 11:11 11/08/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I do not know what is going on, but it could be something as simple as
>checking to see if there is a newer version available.  I am about to
>automate checking for a new version in ACE too doing about the same
>If this is a concern, I would like to know.

Stuart Grimshaw
Schoolsnet Ltd                         Special
t: 07976 625221                        Projects
e: stuart@xxxxxxx             Developer
f: 0870 7060260
"It has been claimed that a very large number of monkeys, armed with a
large number of typewriters, would eventually reproduce the great works of
mankind. It would appear that the internet is well on its way to proving
that wrong." - Anonymous

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