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RE: X-10 interference?

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: RE: X-10 interference?
  • From: steve.crick@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 08:01:07 +0100
  • Delivered-to: rich@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Ok - The promised update.

It was specifically the TV that was killing the x10 signal, as I tried a
definitive fault find (not sure why I had not done this before).

I did the trick with the extension lead, and to my surprise (cos, I was not
really shortening the distance the signal was travelling; merely changing
its path) it fixed the problem. Both modules worked whatever the AV kit was

Encouraged by this, I did some cable re-organisation (and spotted some
leaking Energizers in my x10 PC interface. Doh.) with the PC, which has
fixed the problem.

Thanks everybody for your collective help if fixing this problem.


-----Original Message-----
From: steve.crick@xxxxxxx [mailto:steve.crick@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 27 July 2000 10:56
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] X-10 interference?

Good idea. I will try a mains extension tonight, and report back on what

Thanks - Steve

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Doxey [mailto:keith.doxey@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 27 July 2000 10:38
To: ukha_d
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] X-10 interference?

Hi Steve,

Its always best to have the controller as central as possible, that way all
devices should get roughly the same signal level.

What I was trying to explain in my description of filters was that a
properly designed filter shouldnt cause problems with X10.

The two main types of filter components are..

CHOKES - present a high impedance to AC preventing it from passing through
CAPACITORS - present a low impedance to AC allowing it to pass through.

The basics of good filter are try not to let stuff in (chokes), get rid of
anything that gets through (capacitors).

If it has chokes on the input then these will stop or seriously attenuate
the X10 signal from getting INTO the plugboard. There should be no effect
the X10 (mains) side of the filter. Any X10 or other crud that succeeds in
getting through the chokes will then get SHORTED OUT by the capacitors
preventing it interfering with the AV kit.

However, chokes are quite bulky and expensive so many filters dont bother
with them, they simply put capacitors across the mains to short out
interference. Due to the lack of a choke to block high frequency AC
this includes the X10. Its not a good type of filter because the capacitors
bear the full brunt of any surges.

It could also be that your plugboard has taken a hit and the filter has

Do you really NEED the filter plugstrip. I dont use anything other than
plain old 4 way dis-boards and dont have any problems.

As to relocating the PC, the PC itself could be attenuating the X10
transmissions. Some people have mentioned problems whenever the PC is
plugged into the same outlet as an X10 module. You could leave the Pc where
it is and run a longer cable on the X10 interface to relocate that
more central. Before you run loads of cable just get a mains extension
plug it in somewhere central, run it back to where the PC is located and
plug the X10 interface into it to see if that inproves matters.

Hope that helps


> -----Original Message-----
> From: steve.crick@xxxxxxx [mailto:steve.crick@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: 27 July 2000 09:15
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [ukha_d] X-10 interference?
> If I had the X-10 stuff plugged Into the surge/filter, then I
> might have
> expected some problems. But only the AV toys are in that; the X-10 is
> directly into the wall.
> The idea of the surge/filter was to present the amp and TV
> etc with a clean
> supply, as well as to expand the number of mains points.
> The X-10 problem presents itself only to the two modules in
> the AV corner.
> My living room consists of a lamp module in each corner (4
> lights for movie
> lighting.....), an appliance module with the Sub-woofer to
> the right of the
> TV, and the outside low voltage plugged into the appliance
> module to the
> left of the TV (AV corner, next to a lamp module).
> Since last week, when any AV stuff is on, ONLY the two X-10's
> in the AV
> corner ignore the signals. I have X-10 stuff all over the house, and
> everything else is fine.
> Somebody set me thinking with a previous post though; the
> Homeseer PC (the
> source of all control codes) is about as far away physically
> in the house as
> it is possible to get from the AV corner. Do I need to move
> the PC to a move
> central location?









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