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Re: WinLinux and Home Automation...

Nigels right Andy, Linux users are generaly a very good bunch. I started,
just before Christmas with Linux, knowing nothing, and within a week, I had
a full blown mail server, network monitoring machine and internet gateway
all up and running here at home. All by joining the mailing list for the
product I was installing, and reading the newsgroups. The Linux
Documentation Project is also an invaluable source of Info.

Your success with Linux will vary on the distribution you choose, I have
only ever used Redhat, but from what I've read it seems that Debian is a
good one to go for for a server machine, Corel Linux for a desktop, and
RedHat for a mixture of both, although Redhat (and I guess Corel too) does
leave a lot of excess stuff on your HD that you'll never need. Debian is
designed only to install stuff you'd need on a server.

Save for the odd upgrade, the systems been stable ever since, with a list
new projects I want to do growing by the day :-) I must admit though, I
wouldn't dream of using Linux as my desktop OS just yet, I use it purely as
a server.

If you want to mail me privatly with any Linux questions, I'll certainly
and help, and if I can't, I'll know somewhere that will...

----- Original Message -----
From: <andy.powell@xxxxxxx>
To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: [ukha_d] WinLinux and Home Automation...

> Hi,
> WinLinux is basically Linux 2.2 - What it does provide is a MS Windows
> install which autodetects what hardware you have. It makes initial
> very easy. Once installed it leaves an icon on your desktop that you
> double click to start Linux. The instructions seem to suggest that it
> run 'like any other  Windows Program' In practice it closes windows
> then starts Linux...
> This is the 3rd time that I have installed Linux - the first 2 times I
> used RedHat.. I don't realy know much about Linux (read anything!) so
> is just experimental. Most peope blast MS windows but to be honest
> much easier to configure. Take for example the networking. I've
actually -
> by some miracle - managed to get the 'filemanager' (or whatever it's
> called under Linux) to connect via my proxy to the Internet - but can
> find how to configure Netscape to do the same? Nooooo... seems like to
> have to configure things in multiple places... (and I still don't
> Andy
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