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Re: German to UK phone wiring

Hi Tim,

As far as I am aware, the UK is the only place that uses a separate wire
for the ringing.

Your ringing problem with the falcon could be due to a number of things. As
you already said it could be faulty, it could also be that the two just
arent compatible. You did say that the ringing was a square wave and maybe
the signal getting through just isnt strong enough to ring it. Although a
phone may be approved it isnt guaranteed to work properly in every possible
situation. Every BT phone used to have a paragraph in the handbook stating
that. A fairly common ocurance involves a Relate 300. Works great as a
phone but if you try to use a modem on the same line you get an abysmal
connect speed, unplug the relate and connection is superfast.

We certainly had several wierd phone/PBX incompatibility problems at
various times including one phone where the manufacturer made a slight
change to the internal circuitry of a phone which then stopped it working
on a particular PBX if it had a certain type of extension card fitted.
Changing the phone to a different type or fitting the later extn card cured
the problem.

A non UK phone will almost certainly ring on any line as the capacitor
needed to connect the ringer to the line is in the phone itself. Quite why
BT adopted the idea of an external capacitor to feed the ringing signal
onto the third wire is beyond me. It was designed by someone much higher up
than me :-))

Even if you have a master jack, the ringing is still present on pin 2 of
the socket as well.

The ISDN question I cant answer and dont even know who to ask. There are
over 4000 people on site here at Martlesham and I probably know what 150 of
them do.

Its 3 years since I was a true "telephone" engineer and although
I still
work for BT my only real involvement with phones these days is picking one
up and talking into it !!!

My work time is all spent either on Intranet/Internet database development
or providing technical support to Pc and AV equipment in our presentation

Keith Doxey
Krazy Keith's World of DIY Home Automation

-----Original Message-----
From:	Timothy Morris [SMTP:timmorris@xxxxxxx]
Sent:	Thursday, September 09, 1999 10:38 AM
To:	ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject:	[ukha_d] Re: German to UK phone wiring


Thanks for your help.

I did some fiddling last night with two phones, a master socket, and also,
just to see if it would work by taping the (A/B) output wires from the PBX
to the phone socket (I found that the two outermost connectors (2 and 5) on
the phone plug gave the results I was looking for).

The interesting thing was that I tried two phones:

1. A BT Falcon II answerphone/phone (rebadged Panasonic)

2. A Hagenuk DECT cordless phone

The Falcon II would not ring no matter what I tried. The ringer in the
may be faulty, but I personally don't have an analogue exchange socket to
try it on to test that it is working. The Hagenuk was working fine, even by
splicing in the wires, so as you suspected the ring signal is being sent on
the A/B lines by the PBX. The thing that confuses me slightly (it doesn't
take much), is that from reading your pots page speech is 2 and 5 and ring
is 3 and 5. Given that the output port is designed to work with ordinary
analogue phones does this imply (and I'm thinking as I'm going along here)
that the Hagenuk is designed to accept the ring on 2 and/or 3, so it can be
used behind PBXs?

I wonder if you might be able to help with something. The ISDN helpline
keeps telling me that the full EuroISDN spec will be available
Can any of
your colleagues shed any light on this, or do they work much further into
the future?


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