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Re: DIN Rail Boxes

At 11:00 28/10/99 +0100, you wrote:
>Nigel, I like your ceiling rose idea,

Perhaps the most appealing part is that if we move, it would be easy to
revert the house to 'normal'.  Similarly, when I get a 'round tuit' and
start my own controller prototypes, it would be easy to change.  Normal
ceiling roses are actually surprisingly large, so I don't think a DIN-sized
box would be too unacceptable.  It also has the advantage of keeping the
wiring standard, and the switch drop short (IIRC, Mark had some problems
with long switch drops on an LD10)

The other alternative is to pop up a floorboard above and fit it there, but
I thought I'd try for another box first.

> take a look at the Klik range of

I've used those, actually for ceiling mount speakers in a previous job.
Very neat, very handy, but ISTR there wasn't much room inside.  I haven't
seen any dimensional info for the LD10 parts, anyone got any pointers?

BTW, I should make it clear that my buying some X10 kit doesn't change the
fact that I don't like it as a concept, in case you're all thinking I'm

Nigel Orr                  Research Associate   O   ______
Underwater Acoustics Group,              o / o    \_/(
Dept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering     (_   <   _ (
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne             \______/ \(

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