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Flaky CM12 ??

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Flaky CM12 ??
  • From: "paul gordon" <paul_gordon@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 15:02:19 GMT
  • Delivered-to: rich@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: listsaver-egroups-ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Hi all,

Has anyone ever had a CM12 go flaky? - Mine seems to have done in the last
week or so...

It has been just fine for the last year or so, but due to my recent (and
ongoing) installation of the Comfort system, it got unplugged, moved,
plugged in, unplugged again (etc...) a few times, and ever since it seems
have gone loopy.

When it goes like this, it seems to stop any / all X10 traffic on the wire
a TM12 in the same powerstrip can no longer control any of the 8 modules it
is set up for, and a IR543 across the room also cannot control any of the
same 8 units (all these devices are on the same housecode - I haven't
other housecodes yet). As soon as I remove the CM12 from the mains, both
above controllers can quite happily control those modules.
Also, the attached PC cannot communicate with it, amd one of the fast
in it seems to fire at random.

The first time it happened, I managed to reset it by taking out the
batteries, and unplugging it from the mains and leaving it for a few hours,
after which it seemed to be OK again, but a couple of days later it has
& done exactly the same thing again.

Does this sound familiar? - Is this a common ocurrence? - Is there a way to
resurrect it to reliable operation (other than binning it & buying

As always, all suggestions gratefully accepted...

Paul Gordon.

PS: I just bought a 43-inch Toshiba rear projection TV - I couldn't wait
until next year as I had planned to!!!


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