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Re: KAT5 AV Links

Keith Doxey wrote:

> They send demodulated IR.

Thats great, its what my slink-e expects :) I am batteling here getting
some xantec gear sending into it. I have half messed around with a
diode, and 2 resistors and a cap to build a crude envelope detector for
the carrier, but operation is a bit iffy. If only xantec used one of the
little photodetectors with the demodulator in it...

> Locally powering the units was a design decision. The signals are sent
> the cable as balanced line to avoid problems with interference and
> loops. If they use power sent from a central point there is a
> of a ground loop being introduced thus degrading the performance.

Ok, so long as they look cool theres no problems. Power consumption
should be real low so the size of the plugpack will not be an issue :)

> I am interested in your RF over CAT5.
> How many channels is it carrying and what is the highest useable
> Where I live our TV channels are right at the top end of the UHF band
> we are right on the edge of the reception area. During various times
of the
> year we suffer so much co-channel interference from the continent and
> UK transmitters that we often cant get a watchable picture at all :-((

I have the Antenna looping thru one satillite reciever set to PAL B
channel 42, a VCR set to 47 and another VCR modulating onto around ch 28
(it has a screw to set it, not a menu option) it then feeds a 4 way
splitter to downstairs TV. Then I have a 300-75ohm matching transformer
in one output of the spliter which is connector-blocked onto the orange
pair of the cat 5. reverse the process at the other end.

The top local channel (59) has snow on it upstairs thats not present
downstairs. I dont have the gear to measure signal, but before the 4 way
splitter the UHF broadcasts that I recieve are at about 72dB/uV - the RF
outs vary, and are not as strong. VHF is at about 60something

Sorry to hear about your reception woes there.

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