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Re: Surge suppressors

At 15:25 27/07/99 +0100, you wrote:
>I thought they only caused a problem if X-10 modules were plugged in to
>supressors? I'll have a bit of a problem unplugging the surpressors on
>Hi-Fi - they are built into 4, 4 way plugs!

I would expect that any suppressor will absorb X-10, and should at least
make it unusable in the vicinity of the suppressor itself.  The only ones
which shouldn't are those which are basically online UPS's, where the mains
is used to power an inverter which produces a synthesized sine wave.  Any
others should appear to any high frequency signal as a short circuit
between live and neutral/ neutral and earth/ live and earth, so the X10
signal strength on the mains will be reduced.  If X10 still works on the
circuit with suppressors, you might as well take them back and get a
refund- so at least you might now be able to prove they work- unplug them
and see if X10 works- if it does, then they're keeping the mains clean ;-)

See, discussions that veer off topic _can_ end up being very useful- from
house cabling to audiophilism and back to X10!

And now I can get off my audio hobby horse and onto my X10 one again-
y'see, this is why X10 is no good...


Nigel Orr                  Research Associate   O   ______
Underwater Acoustics Group,              o / o    \_/(
Dept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering     (_   <   _ (
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne             \______/ \(

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