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Re: plea from poor X10 user

At 10:33 26/07/99 +0100, you wrote:
>myself that in a few years time the whole wiring thing won't be
necessary at
>all!  With BlueTooth and similar technologies (I read about wireless
>using DECT technology the other day) there will probably be a nice and
>wireless route for all this stuff in a few years time.

Nice, easy and wireless don't seem likely to coexist for a while yet... it
will be a long time before I'm prepared to put the safety of my home or
anything remotely critical at the mercy of RF... I'd probably use X10
before that ;-)

I have got a wireless doorbell (but I made it myself, so that's OK), but
that will do for now...

>building a house from the ground up then it would be foolish not to try
>cater for all eventualities for the price of a few extra metres of

Absolutely true.

>You may think you'll never want a computer in your bedroom...however a
>months ago my wife was sitting in bed typing a letter on the laptop.

No, I _know_ I will never want a computer in my bedroom.  Same as I don't
want a cooker in my bathroom, or a bath in my hallway... it's bad enough
waiting for all of a wife's evening routine to be done without having her
start to type at the end of it all ;-)

I suppose there is an argument for being able to play games in bed if ill,
but that's rare, and certainly no need for Ethernet...

I'm too young to be a Luddite, really I am ;-)
Nigel Orr                  Research Associate   O   ______
Underwater Acoustics Group,              o / o    \_/(
Dept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering     (_   <   _ (
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne             \______/ \(

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