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whole house IR

Just looking for a few suggestions on IR distribution.

I have cable TV installed into the HA cabinet, which has standard video
distribution to the rest of the house. I'm currently using a couple of
wireless IR repeaters to control the cable box from other rooms. I want to
expand this so it covers more rooms and soon the whole house audio
distribution setup (and maybe a homevision at some point). I feel that the
wireless IR kit will not be up to the demand of this (too many
transmitters). One transmitter was 99% reliable, two seems to be only about
80%. Going by this any more would be no fun.

The question is what is the best method of IR distribution. I would prefer
hardwired but when I cost it up it seems very expensive. The receivers seem
to be main expensive, and I want quite a few.

I would like to have each room with IR both ways (the output would be used
in the future with a homevision to control IR receivers in each room, TV,
video, etc).

Ideally it would support zones (4 will do)

Has anyone implemented whole house IR?

What kit? Comments? etc..

Something like: I did ..., using ... components, and its good/bad



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