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Re: No Subject

On Nov 5,  4:19pm, Mark McCall wrote:

> If it's light etc you want to control with IR then you can put an
> inexpensive X10 IR controller in each room.  If you have HV or
> similar then you can start to play with macros.  What exactly do
> you want to do?


My plan at the present time is to set up a reasonable setup controlled by
Some kind of controller that uses macros and can be controlled by IR around
the house.  I would like to be able to control lamps, stereo, washing
dishwasher etc.  Lamps and stereo for when I enter the house and when I go
bed, and the other home applicances to run over night.

Therefore I reckon I need the following:

1: Some kind of controller capable of timing, macros etc.  I am thinking at
present time that I might use a cheaper controller such as the CM12U and
the PC on because having looked at some web sites there are some cool
you can do with distributed MP3 etc.  And it also has my DVD in it, and
speakerphone so its on most of the time anyway.

2: A couple of IR receivers for my bedroom and living room for control of
lighting and AV sources.  I would probably buy a remote, and one of those
keyrings (just for the fun value of it!).  I presume these IR devices on
receiving a signal generate their own X10 request and the controller is
of picking up on this?  Is the CM12U up to this?

3: Probably a simple mini controller like a mc460 for the front door.  I
presume again that this will need to produce unique X10 requests which the
controller will pick up on and activate devices.

My apologies for the probably incorrect terminology but I am hoping you all
the idea!  Does anyone think this is feasible with the kit I mentioned or
you think the controller needs to be a bit more complex.  I am not adverse
purchasing a HomeVision but I just dont think I need all that functionality
the present time.

Following on from the distributed audio theme thats been discussed
one way this could be done easily would be to distribute the audio around
house via CAT5 and then build your own set of speakers with a small
and RJ45 socket built in.  I was looking at an old pair of speakers I have
home last night and with some decent shielding there is more than enough
to add a small amp kit and a RJ45 socket.  Hence all you need in each room
just two speakers.  It would probably look nicer than a pair of speakers
and an
amp in each room.

I am of course presuming we are talking about distributing line level audio
around the house rather than amplified levels ;-)


Kieran J. Broadfoot.
Equities Unix Administration.
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