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Re: No Subject

On Nov 5, 12:49pm, Mark McCall wrote:
> Subject: [ukha_d] Re: No Subject
> Hi Kieran
> There's lots better than ActiveHome.  It's the "entry level"
> controller.  What's your budget Kieran?  What devices do you need
> to test the state of?


Thanks for your response.  I appreciate the speedy response you receive on
list!  At the present time I am interested in testing the different
technologies you can employ to automate the home.  Hence I am interested in
getting a system which does not require huge efforts to purchase (i.e
already available in the UK) and secondly is extensible enough to provide
functionality over time.

I am prepared to spend a reasonable amount on providing this.  If anyone on
this list can suggest better alternatives with info. on how well its
then I would be grateful for their insights.

> > 2: Stupid question of the month:  How do most people actually
control there
> > systems?
> Harwired IR systems are best.  You can use the IR-RF-IR extender
> products but they can be a bit hit or miss.

Are you suggesting that I purchase a number of IR devices and plug them in
relevant places in my home or rather I use something a bit more complex. 
more info here would be much appreciated as I am still a little confused

> With HomeVision (for example) you can have a single press on
> your IR remote do a whole host of things like send out other IR,
> X10 and control relay outputs.  With the CommanderX software on
> my Links and Hot News pages you can add the 40 quid PC
> Remote to your ActiveHome and get very cheap IR control that way.

Sounds good and i'll check out the links although i'd prefer to be in a
situation where I dont need to leave the PC on all the time so if I can
find a
automonous solution that would be prefered.

As an aside do you have some method of controlling devices as you enter
home?  I am tempted with the idea of IR as it seems the best and
configurable but I just feel the need to be able to switch things on as I
the house without needing to find the remote (which given my way of life is
unlikely to be in a handy place, hence defeating the object of automation!)

> > 3: What systems are available for touch panels etc.  A backlit
pad by the
> > frontdoor would be very useful for controlling devices as you
enter the
> >  I thought about IR from outside the house but that is dependent
on the
> > question and the range seems quite short.  (I would like to be
further down
> > road than 10 metres if I want a warm house on entering!)
> The cheapest ready to use touch panel I have seen is the
> Touchlinc unit.  Go to HAS from my links page and look there.  It
> comes in either X10 or Serial versions.  I know of one user in the
> UK who has one of these...are you on this list :-)

Its not as pricey as I thought it would be but even so it still seems a
advanced for my early forays into the world of HA.  I'll keep you posted

> You know, what your really need is a HomeVision :-)  There's
> another one just arrived into the UK today.  From the Fedex parcel
> tracking website you can tell Keith Doxeys new HV is somewhere
> in Standstead airport!!!

Ok I'm intrigued, what are the advantages of HomeVision?
> Regards
> Mark

Thanks again for all your help.


Kieran J. Broadfoot.
Equities Unix Administration.
Goldman Sachs, London.
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