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Re: Control PC jukebox

Yep I'm using mpeg3 for the compression. At first I was encoding at =
320kbps the files were around 10meg but I found that at 128kbps there =
didn't appear to be much sonic difference and the file size dropped to =
around 5 meg.

Controlling the system is a bit of a problem - tho I have just been to = and seen their new 'supermouse' which may be the way =
forward. I'd much prefer to use my RedRat though but am having problems =
normalising the results. I've never been keen on the idea of voice =
activation primarily because I don't like the idea of:

Me> Play song
Me> Play song
Me> Play song!!!
Me> Play the f****** song!!!
Me> <under breath> what a load of c***!!!
PC> Playing song - backwards - and stop swearing.

Not good, especially if there are children present.

The Pilot idea sounds appealing I've got a Palm III with IR interface =
but haven't tried anything yet - not even sure where to start..

From: 	Alex Goodyear[SMTP:Alex.Goodyear@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 	13 November 1998 09:13
To: 	ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: 	[ukha_d] Control PC jukebox

Hi Andy,

Are you using mpeg3 compression for your PC CD jukebox ?  The =
ratio is 10:1 over a standard .wav file.  I have been thinking about a
control mechanism for my own system.  I am not able to display info in
the lounge so I was wondering about the PC speaking options (over the =
and I select with X10 RF or infra red (eg Red Rat).  Another idea I'm
investigating is the PalmPilot (with infra red interface) communicating
with the computer and displaying dynamic menus, this is the one I favour
most (I'll probably throw in some speech as well just for fun/pose =


--- Tag-it V1.0 (c) Andy Powell 1998
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